Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Normalcy and Ignorance

I just wanted to put in a few words on something I heard while I was on vacation recently.
A lesbian friend of mine asked if a woman at a shop was a lesbian as well. Her answer was something like this:
"Oh, I'm just sort of normal. The everyday girl."
I cringed when I heard this.
The correct term would have been heterosexual. Straight works too. But "normal"?
This implies that heterosexuality is the norm. This implication is wrong.
Heteronormativity is mostly related to ignorance. I'm sure the woman at the shop was just ignorant, and didn't mean any harm, but unfortunately such ignorance is always harmful. Any LGBT person who encounters a subtle situation like this is very likely to internalize that heterosexuality is "normal", and that they are themselves abnormal.
Sexuality isn't a subject of normativity. You cannot apply normalcy to one sexuality over another.
It's unfortunate how many people don't even consider this in passing while interacting with other individuals. Would it that they would, society would become a little bit easier to tolerate.

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